If you need help, come to MEND's Welcome Desk or call 818-896-0246.
View Our MARCH Activity Calendar HERE
Services are available to individuals and families in need. You must register to have access to our services. When registering for services, please bring a photo ID. Some services will require an additional enrollment process.
In accordance with MEND’s nondiscrimination policy, Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, political beliefs, or disability.
Resources |
Food Distribution
Food distribution is open to any community member in need. If available, please have picture ID. Walk-up Service ONLY
Wednesday and Friday 9am-12pm
Buen Provecho 3rd Saturday of the month 9am-12pm |
Here We Thrive |
Pathways to Wellness
Gateways Employment Services
Connections Resource Coordination Service Navigators assist MEND participants with accessing other services such as public benefits (CalFresh, WIC, TANF, etc), housing, child care, transportation supports, and more. |
Enhanced Care Management |
Medi-Cal members who need help dealing with a chronic condition, seeking better wellness or additional support may qualify for the Enhanced Care Management program. For more information, call us at (818) 686-7373. |